Wyatt's Warriors

Together in Faith. Together in Love. Together in Prayer.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I couldn't let this holiday go bye without acknowledging my THANKS.

I have spent so much time over the last couple weeks reading about Wyatt's journey, looking at pictures and researching his newest surgery coming in December. It's funny how I can read about his journey and feel all those feelings as if I am right back in the moment.

I grew up sort of fast in my teen years and although I had some tough years, I have always maintained that those experiences shaped my life and made me who I am. It took me a long time to realize that there was someone out there looking over me and guiding me through it all. For a long time I felt really alone and felt like nobody could possibly know how I was feeling or what I was going through. I remember a FEAR that was so strong I didn't think I would survive it.

I tell you this because we all have those moments that we question our FAITH and feel desperate and alone, it's what we do with those moments that make us who we are today.

I am THANKFUL for the opportunity to grow in my FAITH, BELIEVE in a GOD that can make miracles happen, for the ability to co parent three amazing children and TRUST in a GOD that always provides.

Before I had Wyatt I would see parents with children who had special needs or read stories about children with illnesses and my heart would physically ache for them. In fact there was a period of time Tony wouldn't let me read stories because I would be so sad for days. He would always make up happy ending to make me feel better. I thought there was no way I could handle it if my child were sick or suffering. The funny thing is now when I see or read these stories I feel the same way, my heart aches and I think I could not do it.

I was talking to a friend the other day and she started to cry as I was talking about Wyatt and she said to me. "My heart aches for you, I don't know how you do it." I immediately responded with Wyatt is going to be okay and I am not doing anything extraordinary I am just being his mom. When I got home I started to think that people feel like I do toward others about me. It was this strange feeling because I never thought of Wyatt like this. I know he has had quite a journey and his road is long but it is BEAUTIFUL. We have seen God work miracles with him and with us. Wyatt has defied all odds and we have built a stronger family, a stronger faith and a stronger marriage through him. I can't think of a better gift.

This got me thinking even deeper and reading others blogs the one's where my heart ached and all of them who speak of or believe in our GOD sound and feel like I do. Even in peoples darkest hours they find comfort and peace in him alone. They can take a tough moment, year, life or circumstance and GROW as individuals, families and in their FAITH. How amazing is this? My heart aches but could so easily REJOICE in the strength that only our GOD provides. How AWESOME is our GOD?

My heart will ache going forward for those that have not yet found their FAITH or who are not yet at PEACE that he will provide. Those who were like me when I was a teenager and felt lost and alone, when the FEAR consumed me and I didn't think I would survive. I pray tonight that all those parents, teenagers or children find our GOD and learn not to FEAR but rather have FAITH.

Since the moment Wyatt was born I have trusted, believed and prayed without fail. I had many moments of sadness and anxiousness but I never lost FAITH. I have always believed without fail God would provide and he has. I knew if I ask he would answer (although sometimes not as clear as I would like).

The last two weeks we have been having a lot of debate over how the schedule for the next two months will work. Trying to work out the who, what, when, how, where and whys. I have remained calm that the answers will come. I have questioned myself and some decisions I made and in some instance started to doubt myself based on others opinions or thoughts. And just as he always has GOD has shown me the path and reassured me that we are going the right direction. I know if we continue to follow him and him alone we will continue on this beautiful journey, see more miracles and watch this amazing 2.5 year old grow up to be an amazing old man some day.

That is what I am thankful for. :)

I also feel it important to tell all of you how blessed and thankful I am to have you in our lives and praying for Wyatt. Their is nothing more powerful than prayer and having all of you thinking of us, lending a helpful hand, or listening to us when we need to talk has been such a great gift. It always reminds me that we are not alone in this journey, not today and not ever.


Tony, Melissa, Joey, Noah and Wyatt

Monday, November 18, 2013

Welcome to Wyatt's Warriors!

This may be a little bit easier for me to update outside of Caring Bridge.

Today the Geers family woke up at 4:15 am and traveled to Cincinnati as a family of 5. Need I say more. The trip was quiet and peaceful for the first 2 hours but once the sun came up so did the bathroom breaks every 30 minutes and the I'm hungry, I'm thirsty.... We did manage to arrive on time for our 10am appointment with Dr. Gordon.

The Not such Good News:

We found out that because Wyatt has nothing on the left side they are not able to distract using an internal device, so they will need to use an external devise. This is more cumbersome and the hardest part is that he will need it on for 5 weeks (not the 2 we originally thought of) AND he won't be able to eat or speak. We will need to use strictly signs and an NG tube (which I said I never wanted to do again). All of this on top of the fact that this poor child will not be able to run around and play like he does. Those of you who know him this will be a hard task in itself as this child does not stop. When I asked what could happen if he falls, the Doctor calmly stated that a screw could cut through his skull and then he would need neurosurgery. This was not as comforting as I was hoping, but it was honest.

The Good News:

The surgery itself will only be about an hour and a half and they WILL be able to remove the ear tags at the same time. There is also not much risk with this particular surgery. Not only do we love Dr. Gordon but the entire office and nursing staff is wonderful. We feel very comfortable there.  Also the ENT will be on hand during the surgery because of Wyatt's complicated airway. This was reassuring.

The BEST News:

GOD provides and has our Wyatt in his arms. He never lets us down and is with us and loves us unconditionally everyday without fail.

Additional Information:

I will be taking Wyatt on 12th of December to meet with their Aero digestive team which is the best in the Country. They will be able to evaluate Wyatt's eating and digestion as he tends to choke a lot. It is sort of sad how common this is for us. I am excited to see what they say and recommend.

We will leave on Christmas night to arrive for an appointment with the ENT on the morning of the 26th and surgery is scheduled for the 27th. There is a chance we will get bumped as it is a holiday week but we will know for sure by the 23rd. He will spend 3-5 days in the hospital and then its up to us whether we come home or if I stay with Wyatt for duration at the Ronald McDonald House. We have heard of a few families that came home and regretted it but 5 weeks seems like so long to be away.

A little FUN:

Dr. Gordon suggested we take the kids to EnterTRAINment Junction the Largest indoor train display in the world. What a treat this was. (Especially getting a groupon for 40% off). Anyway there were so many trains through civil war times to present day, play areas, play trains, a fun house and even a stop to see Santa and Mrs. Claus who had freshly baked cookies. This was just what we all needed to get distracted and run of some energy.

There is no place like home:

I tried clicking my heels 20x on the LONGEST trip home. We were right back to kids fighting, tired, whining, bathroom breaks, thirsty, hungry...... Not to mention Tony and I trying to talk through everything and review the appointment and how we are going to juggle it all. I am happy to say after 5 hours we made it home and then 1 hour later everyone is fast asleep. :) We made it, we did. Hip Hip Hooray. :)

Prayer requests:

That we are able to find care for the older boys so Tony and I can be there for Wyatt the day of and immediately following the surgery. For a successful surgery and recovery. For the wisdom to make the right decision on where we should recover. For Wyatt's recovery process-and the frustrations both he and I will encounter with not being able to communicate, eat or keep up with his activity level. Financially as we will be traveling, encountering additional medical expenses and taking time off work unpaid.  That we don't loose Wyatt's daycare provider as he will be off for 5 weeks and we LOVE her. For the older boys who although they understand it is hard for them to loose their brother and their mom for 5 weeks. Lastly for peace, it is stressful trying to balance, juggle and comprehend all that is happening.


Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

Follow the links below to Watch Wyatt's video story or to help with medical/travel expenses.

Wyatt's Video Story

Help Support Wyatt's Travel and Medical Expenses