Wyatt's Warriors

Together in Faith. Together in Love. Together in Prayer.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


I haven't even began writing and my eyes have already filled with tears.

 I am so blessed to be the mother of Wyatt. He is such a WARRIOR and makes me smile from ear to ear everyday. When I think about the last 6 weeks or people ask me how he is doing the only word I can come up with is AMAZING!!!

The first three weeks after the initial surgery Wyatt was miserable and I had feared we had forever lost his spunky personality. FEAR not, for he has returned every bit as spunky and cute as before.

He looks so different to me. He has this big glorious chin and his gorgeous smile and he plays with the tongue he could never really manipulate before. It is so cute to see. He laughs louder, plays harder, smiles bigger than ever. He is eating almost as he was before the surgery, just taking it slow and soft but he wants it all. :)
We were able to remove his feeding tube on Friday morning and he is keeping up with his nutritional needs with milk, eggs and cheese the majority of the time. Throw in some goldfish crackers and Cheetos's and he is one happy boy. LOL

He is keeping up with his brothers and wants to do everything they do. He is jumping off the couch, bed and running down the hall chasing the dog every minute. He even climbs up on the kitchen table chairs to get what he wants off the counter. TROUBLE

The hard part is he does all this and gets away with it because he is just so darn cute. He signs please mama and I cave every time. He has a serious love affair with DORA it has not ended since our return. In fact the other night we got home late from running around and I put him to bed without him being able to watch Dora and let's just say he wasn't having it. I finally told Tony to go get him and turn on an episode or he will never go to sleep. Sure enough he watched it and went right to sleep. He has been doing really well transitioning to his toddler bed. I would say 70% of the time he has stayed there all night, there have been a few rough nights of calling out for mama that ultimately resolved by him joining me in our bed.

This last week was difficult for me to get back in the swing of things. It was full force at work as we are gearing up for mid winter break camps. daddy daughter date night, a large group event and a summer camp registration fair. Along with this we had conferences for the older boys, a doctors appointment with Joe as he is really struggling in school and we are trying to get him the help he needs, tons of insurance and Dr. calls to follow up on Wyatt including getting him set up for speech therapy, a lot of snow, an unexpected day off school and to top this all off we decided why not put the house up for sale in the middle of this craziness. Oh yes we did. :) I am starting to think my mom was right we she told me to enjoy the simplicity of Ronald McDonald house life. LOL

We have been praying about the house and schools for the boys for quite some time and a few things happened recently that made us think maybe now was the time. We wanted to get our ducks in a row make sure we could get pre approved for mortgage and get what we needed out of the house and once those two things were confirmed we decided it must be a sign that now is the time.  So tonight our house is officially for sale.

It's funny we are involved in a parenting bible study at church as well as a special needs bible study on Wednesday nights and lately there have been so many topics coming up that I can't help but bring back to Wyatt. Today we talked about Jesus walking on water and how Peter wanted to and asked Jesus to help him walk on water and when Jesus told him to come and he had faith and trusted Jesus he was able to but the moment his faith started to waiver he started to sink and needed to plead with Jesus to save him. My faith starts to waver all the time when it comes to decisions we make for Wyatt. Sometimes I forget that we are led and just follow. I make the mistake of thinking I have control when I really don't. Jesus has shown us in so many ways that he is with us on this journey and all we have to do is believe in him, turn to him and trust in him and he has it. I asked myself today if I were out on that boat and Jesus told me to "come" would I and I honestly can say I would. That was really neat to not even second guess it but know it. Doubt can be so evil but we always find ourselves doubting choices or decisions we make. I know I struggles a great deal with whether having this surgery was what was best, even questioning it as he was in the operating room but the moment the first Doc showed me his airway to the moment all the Dr. showed us his new and improved airway I knew it was right. Despite how difficult it was to get there, it was what he needed, where he needed it.

Wyatt has taught me so much as a mother, wife, manager and just a compassionate human being. I am so grateful to be his mom and be with him on this journey. I know anyone that knows him will be blessed in his presence as he just brings that upon the room naturally.

Thank you to everyone who reads about him and follows our family. At work this week there were many people that have been following along that I had no idea, it fascinates me to see what impact a simple blog can make on lives but am touched and humbled. Thank you also for all the meals this last week and a half. It was perfect as we got back into the swing of things. I am  hoping I can keep up with the delicious meals we have been enjoying from the church families. I also am a tad behind on my Thank you notes but hope to be caught up by next week. I am so honored to be writing so many thank you's to such wonderful people who have chosen to touch our lives one way or another. THANK YOU.

I am also posting a link to a video I did on Wyatt's journey. Some of you who follow on facebook may have seen it already. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it. I have also added a few updated pictures.


Please continue to pray for our family as we get back to a routine, please pray we find the right buyers for our home at the right time, please pray Wyatt continues to get his nutrition through eating and continues to improve daily. Please pray for the older boys who rightfully struggle with our decision to move that they may come to terms and realize ultimately we are doing this for them. And please pray that we continue to trust and have FAITH in Jesus as he has and will continue to provide.

All our love today and always,

Tony, Melissa, Joe, Noah and Wyatt  (LIVE FROM MICHIGAN :)

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